SHIFT BREAK! Holding Baristas (and Yourself!) Accountable
At a certain point a manager or owner will need to have a difficult conversation with a staff member that ultimately is about accountability. This conversation is often done with a lot of pent up emotion and the stard being applied may or may not have been very well communicated or trained. On top of this we rarely see a structure put in place AND followed that helps guide the process. Today on Shift Break we will be talking about why you need an accountability process, how it should be approached and thought of vs how it is usually conceived, and why it is a useful tool to help both parties succeed in the cafe. Related episodes: Why You Need to Back up Your Policies 528 : Growing Yourself and Your Cafe Through Delegation SHIFT BREAK : Setting and meeting Standards in the Coffee Shop 355: Baristas! 6 Essential Qualities to Get Yourself Hired 291 : What to do if Your Baristas Wont Listen to You Reasonable Expectations SHIFT BREAK: Evil Owners and Lazy Baristas ATTENTION CAFE OWNERS w/ 2+ Years of running your brick and mortar.... - LOOKING FOR A COMMUNITY OF SUPPORT, ACCOUNTABILITY, INSIGHT, AND ENCOURAGEMENT? - The Key Holder Coaching Group master-mind are now taking new applicants for our 4th cohort launching in march! Click below to fill out your application now! KEY HOLDER COACHING APPLICATION INTERESTED IN CONSULTING AND COACHING? If you are a cafe owner and want to work one on one with me to bring your shop to its next level and help bring you joy and freedom in the process then email chris@keystothshop.com of book a free call now: https://calendly.com/chrisdeferio/30min Thank you to out sponsors! Everything you need for back of the house operations https://rattleware.qualitybystainless.com/ The best and most revered espresso machines on the planet: www.lamarzoccousa.com
From "Keys To The Shop : Equipping Coffee Shop Leaders"
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