Sharing My Lens: The College Experience with Juliette Nelson
Dr. Juliette Nelson is an industrial & organizational psychologist, educator, entrepreneur, and author of the book Sharing My Lens: The College Experience. In this episode, we discuss the higher education question — what options exist and what outcomes do they deliver? — mainly from the student’s perspective and also consider how educators and other influential adults can make a difference. Juliette and Ross cover:“Passionate about empowering people to achieve the highest standards of their purpose.” Insights Juliette picked up as a teacherWhat are things students should think about before they ever go to college?College planning resources that are beneficial in high school and earlierLooking at each stage — before, to, through and beyond higher education — as part of the complete journeyHow to build and make positive use of a networkBiggest objectives in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) Sharing My Lens: The College Experience is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3P5PnLU Subscribe to The Authority to get more deep-dive interviews with education authors. It’s available wherever you get your podcasts. Visit https://bepodcast.network to learn more about the Be Podcast Network for educators. About today’s guest Dr. Juliette Nelson is an industrial & organizational psychologist, educator, entrepreneur, and published author who is passionate about empowering people to achieve the highest standards of their purpose. With a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, she leverages research and data to identify and implement solutions that foster a safe workplace for individuals working at all levels of their organizations. She is the Founder and CEO of JUNURI, a company that equips students, professionals, and business owners, with the tools and resources to be successful in the different areas of their lives. Learn more and connect at https://www.juliettenurinelson.com/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/nelsonjuliette/ About the host Ross Romano is a co-founder of the Be Podcast Network and CEO of September Strategies LLC. He is a leadership development and performance coach for professionals in a range of industries and consults with organizations and high-performing leaders in the K-12 education industry to help communicate their vision and make strategic decisions that lead to long-term success. Connect on Twitter @RossBRomano and LinkedIn
From "The Authority Podcast — Expert Insights and Fresh Ideas for Education Leaders"
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