Secrets of Tu B'Shvat: The Art of Living & Learning from the Earth featuring Avigail and Eli Sapir
Avigail (Abbey) and Eli Sapir came to Israel with a dream of reconnecting with their Jewish agricultural roots. They have a strong passion to share the Earth’s gift with others, which is why they started Havat Iyar, an organic farm meant to facilitate meaningful experiences that come with a healthy lifestyle and building community. Though they no longer live on the farm, they continue to spread the values of permaculture and loving the Land of Israel. Abby is also an artist and creates courses in art spirituality. You can learn about here work here: https://avigailsapir.com/ In this episode, the Sapirs share their story as well as deep Kabbalistic symbolisms that are connected to the Jewish month of Shevat and Tu B'Shvat. -- Enjoy this episode? You will also love similar episodes: A Kabbalistic Tu B'Shvat Seder from Tzfat- Featuring Eliyahu Pereira Jenna Zadaka: Tu B'Shevat & Spiritual Journeys- How to Strengthen Your Roots and Branch Out --- Please rate and review the Empowered Jewish Living podcast on whatever platform you stream it. Please follow Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum and the Lev Experience on the following channels: Facebook: @Shlomobuxbaum Instagram: @shlomobuxbaum YouTube: @levexperience Order Rabbi Shlomo' books: The Four Elements of an Empowered Life: A Guidebook to Discovering Your Inner World and Unique Purpose - The Four Elements of Inner Freedom: The Exodus Story as a Model for Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Personal Breakthroughs You can order a copy on Amazon or in your local Jewish bookstore.
From "Empowered Jewish Living with Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum"
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