Season 6 FINALE: Jordan Peterson Wrestles with God/Ben at MSNBC (ft. Matt McManus & Robert Myles)
In our last episode before this year"s season break, Matt McManus & Robert Myles join Ben Burgis to break down Jordan Peterson"s new book "We Who Wrestle with God." (He doesn"t seem to have read any more Marx since 2019.) Before that, Ben and the crew take a look at Ben"s article at MSNBC about Obama and the various responses it"s provoked--a disdainful sniff from uber-popular historian Heather Cox Richardson on her Substack, what can only be described as a right-populist haiku from Steve Bannon, and a whole lot of unhinged reactions from grassroots libs. In the postgame we"re joined by Deep State Kuba for a last bit of non-"We Who Wrestle..." JBP-bashing before we hit the road. Read Ben"s MSNBC article: ...and his Substack on Peterson"s misunderstandings of Marx: Order Matt"s book: Order Robert"s book: Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf Follow Robert on Twitter: @robertjmyles Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2 Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show Become a GTAA Patron and receive numerous benefits ranging from patron-exclusive postgames every Monday night to our undying love and gratitude for helping us keep this thing going: Read the weekly philosophy Substack:
From "Give Them An Argument"
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