Season 3 - Episode 9 - Don't Worry, Our Parents Will NEVER Listen To This - Featuring Chubby Elvis AKA Ferbie Montano

09 Mar 2023 • 95 min • EN
95 min
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New intro by Ryan Lill Music - get a song for 50 bucks, of whatever your choosing! Tell him I sent you! This week's episode features Ferbie Montano, aka Chubby Elvis on Tiktok and social media. He has two podcasts and is an all-around cool human! We explore imposter syndrome as a millennial, and beyond! This podcast is unofficially sponsored by Forbidden Bingo. - Every Thursday Virtually! Win Sexy Prizes! WE HAVE MERCH! Courtesy of Yay! Graphic Design. Follow Us: Facebook: I Instagram: ,Youtube: OR EMAIL PDKMOPODCAST@GMAIL.COM. Shop Diamond In The Rough - - PDKMO for 15% off at checkout

From "Please Don't Kick Me Out"

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