Season 2 of Mortgage Life

02 Jan 2024 • 22 min • EN
22 min
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Join Sean Zalmanoff and Shane Kidwell in this week"s podcast. They share simple yet powerful tips for turning leads into loyal clients. Learn how to keep in touch with market updates, make your services stand out, and build trust every step of the way. Perfect for anyone looking to grow in the mortgage industry! 00:40 – Seasons of a Mortgage Client 01:39 – Season Two: Pre-Qual/Pre-Approval 03:34 – Building Trust and Confidence 05:00 – Educating Clients with Market Updates 07:41 – Sending Market Updates Via Email 09:36 – Using Video Platforms for Market Updates 11:24 – The Power of Email 12:30 – Providing Value and Information 15:18 – Educating Clients on Mortgage Options 17:03 – Nurturing Clients with Market Updates 18:32 – Proprietary Items of Value 20:55 – Knowing Your Value Proposition   Takeaways: Having a concrete plan and clear tactics is more effective than just having good ideas when it comes to converting leads and guiding clients through the mortgage process.     Regularly updating clients and partners, such as with weekly market updates, is crucial for maintaining engagement and trust.     Taking time to explain details like the impact of loan amounts on monthly payments can greatly enhance a client"s understanding and confidence in their decisions. Providing unique tools and clear explanations helps clients feel more informed and confident, differentiating your service from others.     The mortgage industry is dynamic, so staying informed about market changes and adjusting communication and strategies accordingly is key to success. Building lasting relationships in the mortgage industry relies on demonstrating knowledge, reliability, and a genuine commitment to the client"s journey.   Quotes: “The tactics are the how, the when, the why, and the what.” “Purchasing a home is an emotional ride. They go from highs to lows to highs, and then they"re a homeowner.” “We have a small window before our opportunity to get the treat goes away.” “They may not understand everything, but they"re very confident that I know what I"m talking about." “If I can get your attention for seven and a half seconds every week, I"m winning.”  “You need to know what makes you better than everyone else.” “Even if you don"t like your rate, it"s yours and that"s what you have to sell.” “I don"t wanna put my name on something that could easily be erased.”   Show Links: Community Platform:  Podcast Partner:    Social Media: Facebook -  YouTube -  LinkedIn –

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