Season 2, EP 4- Brent Knott, Entrepreneur: Running the Race of Entrepreneurship

29 Jan 2024 • 31 min • EN
31 min
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There are things in life we are not built for, but we do them anyway.  It could come from a place of restlessness, circumstances, or even a higher calling.  At the end of the day, there is a quick way to get to the place you're intended to be.  It comes through the process of running......physically, mentally, and emotionally.   Brent Knott is a serial entrepreneur and is the owner of 3 brick and mortar locations that wrap vehicles, as well as a digital marketing agency.  He's highly focused on building a culture that has allowed him to empower his employees, managers, and executives, which allowed him to do a deep dive into living his best life.  Today, Patrick and Brent have a highly connected conversation about what it means to really build a powerful culture inside of a business.  It has allowed him to remove himself from the day-to-day operations of his business, and allow others to thrive. They talk about running and the direct correlation it has to life and business, how to handle difficult situations at work, and how to find the inspiration to keep moving forward.    What You'll Learn:    Why Brent lives in Mexico and why he decided to run a 100-mile marathon How long it takes to complete a 50-mile and 100-mile race What item Brent spent $400 on for his race  The benefits of running starting with your mind What "controllables" are in business and how to identify the opportunities in the unexpected How Patrick handles people lying to him  Some of the things Brent has had to do when being pulled over by police in Mexico Why corruption continues to hold countries like Mexico down Brent's favorite type of taco One of Patrick's favorite authentic Mexican restaurants in Houston The results Patrick got on IG from making one post about a controversial observation Self-validation that keeps most business owners stuck as technicians  The power of mentorship and a powerful lesson  Brent learned from his Why it's important to do P & Ls every single day  How Brent only works 6 hours a week and how he spends the rest of his time A revenue model that keeps his staff motivated and helps with employee retention How being transparent has allowed him to retain good people    Favorite Quote:   "I'm not built like a runner and I can go run a hundred miles and build my identity around it.  It's a metaphor for business and life.  Since starting, with that, I use the same process in everything."  -Brent Knott   Connect with Brent:  Instagram   How To Get Involved: Patrick Bolanos is a serial entrepreneur, business owner, and CEO of Trailer King Builders in Houston, Texas. He was raised in Nicaragua, exposed to extreme poverty, and also had the fortune of being exposed to life in the United States traveling back and forth to both countries.  After college, Patrick’s career took him into the corporate world of banking where he learned the important lessons of understanding what you’re selling and why it’s important to believe in it.  Back in December of 2017, Patrick was fired from his job as a CFO for a Restaurant Group.  With only $500 to his name, rent due, his wife, 3 children at home, and one on the way, he was forced to figure out how to pull his family out of this financial abyss that was strangling his life. 

From "Working For A Dream"

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