About Sandy Warren: Coach Sandy is the hat she wears; her experiences in life and her training bring her to this season in her life. Change and transformation come to all of us, bidden, or not, invited or resisted. Her passion is to support her clients, encouraging them to take the wheel. She has moved through divorce, relocation, and being a single parent of two for many years. Working on 100% commission and doing what was expected of me, with diligence and responsibility. She is now remarried, a grandmother of 4, and learning to play more. She has chosen to take her lessons, tools, and insights and bring them to you. In this episode, Jennie Bellinger and Sandy Warren discuss:Overcoming resistance to successImportance of self-awareness and toolsEmbracing discomfort for growthLeveraging personality assessments like DISCBuilding resilience through reflection and self-compassion Key Takeaways:Identifying the areas of resistance in your business is the first step to overcoming them. By understanding yourself and others better, you can adapt your approach to be more effective in sales, recruiting, and leadership. Don't be afraid to revisit these assessments regularly as your circumstances change.Growth rarely happens within your comfort zone, and stepping outside of your familiar routines and challenging yourself can lead to significant personal and professional development. Having the support of experienced guides can make all the difference in overcoming resistance and achieving your goals. Take time to reflect on your journey, and consider how you can apply the lessons you've learned to tackle future obstacles with greater confidence and self-compassion. "If you're not stumbling over something, you're probably not growing.” — Sandy Warren Connect with Sandy Warren: Reach out to Sandy: https://chatsandy.com Facebook Name: https://www.facebook.com/sandra.warren.503 Facebook Group Name: https://www.wellness-with-attitude.com/ LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandywarren/ Link to Gift from Sandy Warren: “Resistance to Resilience” In addition to an e-book, this gift also gives access to several meditations Link: https://www.wellness-with-attitude.com/gifts/ Connect with Jennie: Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/ Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com Facebook personal page: https://facebook.com/jbellingerPL Facebook podcast page: http://facebook.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery Facebook group for Badass Crew: https://facebook.com/groups/BadassDirectSalesMoms Instagram: https://instagram.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery Personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenniebellinger LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/BadassDirectSalesMastery The Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast is currently sponsored by the following: Bella Grace Elixir: https://shopbellagrace.com/?ref=jenniebadassdirectsalesmastery LeadBuddy Digital Marketing: Use code BDSM when checking out at https://leadbuddy.io/pro-monthly-9310?am_id=jennie582 Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.
From "Badass Direct Sales Mastery"
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