Tips on Balancing Long Term and Near Term Sales Objectives With Alion Chief Growth Officer Chris Bishop

20 Aug 2021 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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This is episode 396. Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website. CHRIS' TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Set goals, define a plan and write it down. Develop personal and professional goals and make sure they’re not in conflict, and be honest in your self-evaluation. Because if they’re in conflict, nothing else is going to work. Then, have someone you trust – a friend, a colleague, a mentor, a supervisor – review it and help you hold to it. Throughout my career, I’ve had some really good leaders that have helped me with this. Write it down, where are you in the plan? Validate it and make sure that you’re sufficiently outside of your comfort zone. It’s always easy to do what you’re really good at, but it’s much harder to do things that you’re not good at and be honest with that. If you write it down and hold yourself to it, then you’ll get there. Write down, again, the intermediate objectives and tactics to reach those goals. Step by step, put a timeline on it. Say, what do I want to achieve both for myself and for the company and the timeline that I want to deliver it?"

From "Sales Game Changers | Tips from Successful Sales Leaders"

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