Thought Leader - Andrew Cohen on performing a business automation assessment
Andrew Cohen - Since 1997, Andrew has been the CEO and Managing Partner at EVOKE, an award-winning Digital Transformation company that partners with their clients to build modern workplace solutions for nearly every common organizational and technological challenge imaginable. In 2019, Andrew launched the EVOKE Engage division which focuses on automation and streamlining processes. He joined Netsurit at the beginning of 2022 and this now allows Netsurit to provide their clients with guidance and solutions on using technology to maximize ROI. Outline Introducing Andrew Cohen, CEO of Evoke. 0:01 How did you get into the world of design? 0:50 The business automation assessment. 2:12 What stops these companies from getting the maximum ROI from the solutions they already implement? 3:44 What is the importance of the subscription model? 5:41 "When I used to be a kid, mythology was big for me." 7:24
From "Sage Thought Leadership Podcast"
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