S5 | E01 Seth Godin: Strategic Thinking in a World of Constant Change
Host Jamie Mason Cohen kicks off Season 5 of The Leadership Standard with marketing visionary Seth Godin. Don't miss this insightful and inspiring conversation! Seth Godin is an author, entrepreneur and most of all, A teacher. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 21 best-selling books, including The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn). His book, This is Marketing, was an instant bestseller in countries around the world and his newest book, THIS IS STRATEGY, is available now. His previous books include The Song of Significance and The Practice, and creatives everywhere have made it a bestseller. Though renowned for his writing and speaking, Seth also founded two companies, Squidoo and Yoyodyne (acquired by Yahoo!). He's credited as the inventor of email marketing (the good kind). Seth has given five TED talks, including two that rank as the most popular of all time. By focusing on everything from effective marketing and leadership, to the spread of ideas and changing everything, Seth has motivated and inspired countless people worldwide.
From "The Leadership Standard"
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