When you've got a tiny business, getting people to know about you is often your biggest problem. Getting other people to talk about your business can be a huge help, but how do you get them to do that? In this episode, PR expert and author Jill Lublin discusses how she got into publicity, and how you can use it to your advantage. Have something interesting to say, not about how great you are, but that will be useful to readers and/or viewers. Find out more about Jill at www.JillLublin.com. And for developing an interesting perspective, including the essential Origin Story, and nurturing relationships with journalists-- along with prospects, partners, and clients-- check out Mimiran (www.mimiran.com), the "anti-CRM" not for a VP of Sales to track a sales team, but for an independent consultant who's great at serving clients but hates selling.
From "Sales for Nerds"
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