Creating stability with better yoga practices seems obvious, but Applied Yoga Anatomy and Muscle Activation (AYAMA) is still a relatively [un]known way to get there. And guess what?... to have a more #painfreelife , Yogi Aaron teaches Yoga that makes you STOP stretching, gets to the root cause of your pain, and yields the highest long-term results for your #body by using integrative muscle technique (IMT) In your yoga practice. To connect with Yogi Aaron go to: And (**HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT**) watch this episode on our NEW YouTube channel: ✅ Please go like and subscribe!! 👍🏼 ....Help us all become a bit more [un]common 😉 #ayama #integrativemuscletechnique #Yogiaaron #stopstretching #flexibility #antiaging
From "[un]common medicine"
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