Romi Savova, CEO of PensionBee, on bringing innovation to retirement savings
There is a looming retirement crisis in the US and in many other countries for that matter. A large portion of the population has no retirement savings at all and will have to rely primarily on social security for their retirement income, and the future of that program is shaky at best. In fintech, not a lot of attention has been paid to this huge sector of financial services: retirement savings. And yet, there is so much room for digital innovation as much of it is still antiquated and paper-based. My next guest on the Fintech One-on-One podcast is Romi Savova, the CEO and Founder of PensionBee. An established fintech in the UK with a history going back 10 years that included an IPO in 2021, PensionBee is focused on bringing innovation to retirement savings. They have recently launched in the US market. In this podcast you will learn:The frustration that Romi experienced that led to the founding of PensionBee.The average number of times people switch jobs in their lifetime.How PensionBee helps workers simplify their retirement savings.The state of retirement in the UK.The traction that PensionBee has made in the UK.Why they decided to become a public company in 2021.What was behind their decision to expand to the US now.How their partnership with State Street works.Where they are at with their US rollout.The different investment options available for US investors.How many workplace retirement accounts have been abandoned in the US.The difference between the US and UK when it comes to retirement savings.How the PensionBee onboarding process works.How Romi views the future of retirement in the US.Her goals for PensionBee in the US. Connect with Fintech One-on-One: Tweet me @PeterRenton Connect with me on LinkedIn Find previous Fintech One-on-One episodes
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