RETRO REPLAY!!! Episode 97: I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred
Here's another retro episode, when we talked about I'm Too Sexy. We'll be back next week with brand new episodes! Hosted by @sliiiiip and @megamixdotcom, the Super Hits Podcast reviews a different retro single each episode! We're on all of the usual podcast platforms, so come find us. Come and give us a 5-star review! To correct us if we miss a fact or get something wrong, to request a single, or to just say hello, hit us up at superhitspodcast@gmail.com Here's our website: https://megamixdotcom.com/super-hits/ Here's our Instagram: @SuperHitsPodcast You can also find playlists for all of the songs we've covered on Spotify and Apple Music. Just search for Super Hits Podcast Playlist!
From "Super Hits Podcast"
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