Remember Putting Chips On Your Sandwich? (with David Bazan of Pedro The Lion)

24 Feb 2025 • 68 min • EN
68 min
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You've heard David Bazan sing about some dark subject matter as a solo artist or under the Pedro The Lion moniker, but have you ever heard him get deep into his snack preferences? From his childhoood invention "The Bologna Big Mac" to the proper technique to put chips on a sandwich without making a crumbly mess, Bazan shares some of his secrets with his future musical collaborators Jonah and Vanessa and the world will never be the same. Bazan also talks with Jonah about their house show tradition in New York City, his friendship with comedian Horatio Sanz and memorable moments from Saturday Night Live afterparties. Jonah also shows off his David Bazan lifetime pass laminate and in an incredible round of LEGIT MOAN OR UNNECESSARY GROAN, we debate the etiquette of unsigned holiday cards, wasteful eating contests and tipping etiquette. 

From "How Did We Get Weird with Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer"

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