Rediscovering Joy - The Power of Everyday Activities in Self-Care

30 Nov 2023 • 14 min • EN
14 min
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Imagine how it feels to constantly run on low fuel, day in and day out. That"s what ignoring your self-care feels like. Let"s get real about the importance of taking time for ourselves, recognizing the signs when we"re running empty, and finding ways to recharge. Maybe for you, it"s as simple as painting or gardening. We share our personal experiences and discuss how these activities can become an easy addition to your daily routine and why they are key to maintaining your emotional wellbeing. Now picture being able to tap into a consistent source of happiness and fulfillment. We"ll take you through our favorite activities, from creating bouquets to family chats, and how they not only keep us charged but help prevent burnout. Understanding what brings you joy, and establishing these activities as regular habits, is the cornerstone of self-love. Listen up as we share practical advice and personal insights to help you keep your tank filled and your heart happy. It"s time to prioritize your happiness, because, after all, you can"t pour from an empty cup.

From "The People Gardener Podcast with Rhonda Delaney"

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