#114 Bret Weinstein - The USA Can Do Better
Bret Weinstein is an American biologist, evolutionary theorist, and host of the popular 'Dark Horse Podcast'. We discuss rising political polarisation in the USA, riots in his home state of Portland, what true 'progress' looks like, and how his Unity 2020 project seeks to offer a better option for Americans beyond the two party duopoly.Follow Zuby - https://twitter.com/zubymusicFollow Bret - https://twitter.com/BretWeinsteinSponsor: Drive Thru History® is your place for entertaining, on-location history. To learn more, head to https://drivethruhistory.com/zuby and use the code ZUBY at checkout for 20% off. Subscribe to the 'Real Talk With Zuby' podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher - https://fanlink.to/zubypodcastJoin our community on Locals - https://teamzuby.locals.comSupport Zuby on Patreon - https://patreon.com/zubymusicSpecial thanks to GOLD TIER Patreon members: Ebele Achor, Adam Patterson & MarkFollow Zuby on:Twitter - https://twitter.com/zubymusic Facebook - https://facebook.com/zubymusicInstagram - https://instagram.com/zubymusicWebsite - https://zubymusic.comBuy Team Zuby music and merchandise - https://teamzuby.com
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