Qigong, Energy Healing, and Aligning with the Divine Intelligence of Nature | Lara J. Day
Connect with Lara: Web: https://www.13holynightsoracle.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/larajday/ --------- Connect with Christian: Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life. Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity. Register for free access to this essential health information at https://www.livelongerformula.com
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