Alex Sanfilippo & Rob Fitzpatrick , Podcasting Made Simple

How to Figure Out If Your Business is a Good Idea with Rob Fitzpatrick

28 Sep 2021 • 34 min • EN
34 min
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Send Us a Text Message MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/132 When you have an idea for a business, product, or service, do you ask good questions for your potential customers? Most of us ask the wrong questions completely. Today’s guest is Rob Fitzpatrick; he is the founder of Write Useful Books, an online community and software that helps aspiring authors get their books done. He is also the author of the book titled, The Mom Test. In this episode, Rob teaches us how to ask questions so good, that your mom couldn’t even lie to you by giving you answers to make you feel supported. (Which is the job of a mom, of course!) The point is to ask questions that help you further develop your business, product, or service – and Rob explains that there is a specific way to do this. Here is my conversation with Rob Fitzpatrick! MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/132 📊 This month's Independent Podcasters Report is now available! To see podcasting industry insights that matter for indie podcast hosts and podcast guests, please visit!

From "Podcasting Made Simple"

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