Alex Sanfilippo & James Altucher , Podcasting Made Simple

How to Skip the Line So You Can Succeed Faster with James Altucher

25 May 2021 • 37 min • EN
37 min
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Send Us a Text Message MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/098 Have you ever switched job industries? Or decided to create a business in an industry that you’re unfamiliar with? Getting started can be daunting as you know very little about what you’re getting into. Many people will tell you that it is going to take years to understand the ropes of whatever it is that you’re doing. Some even say it will take you 10,000 hours to stand out and become a master at the craft. But today’s guest has a different idea, he calls it Skipping the Line. In this episode, we are joined by James Altucher.  James is an angel investor, author, standup comedian, podcaster, and chess master. James tells us in his book titled Skip the Line that we can reach our goals faster if we experiment and think differently about what it is that we want to accomplish. MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/098 📊 This month's Independent Podcasters Report is now available! To see podcasting industry insights that matter for indie podcast hosts and podcast guests, please visit!

From "Podcasting Made Simple"

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