Alex Sanfilippo
Tom Rossi
Podcasting Made Simple
Podcasting Stats and Facts You Never Knew | Tom Rossi
01 Nov 2022
• 29 min
• EN
Send Us a Text Message MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/199 In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo and Tom Rossi talk through the current state of the podcasting industry. Get ready to learn some encouraging stats and facts about the podcasting industry that most podcast hosts (and guests) aren’t aware of. Get ready to learn more about where podcasting is heading and why it’s the best time ever to be involved in the space! MORE FROM THIS EPISODE: HTTPS://PODMATCH.COM/EP/199 🎁 Want 5 quick ways to level up as a podcast host, guest, or agency that you can read in less than 5 minutes? Visit! (No email address required)
From "Podcasting Made Simple"
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