People Actually Survived The Bermuda Triangle

27 Feb 2025 • 10 min • EN
10 min
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 Discover the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle with real survivor stories and the origins of this mysterious phenomenon. Find out if it"s fact or fiction! Whether you believe it or not, the stories just keep coming. And today, we’re diving into some of the strangest firsthand accounts from people who lived to tell the tale—plus, where this whole Bermuda Triangle legend even came from. Because believe it or not, it wasn’t always a thing. 👉 Watch Now: Ever heard of the UFOs sighted in the 1890’s? Check it out! - VIDEOS TO WATCH NEXT:  The Fake news phenomenon. It’s be around for quite a while.- Conspiracy theory, or real fact base event? Find out now - ------------------------------------------------------  ➡️ Ever heard of the UFOs sighted in the 1890’s? Check it out! - ➡️ Purchase my book, Firehouse Philosophy, on Amazon -  --------------------------------------- “Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth..” ~ Budha --------------------------------------------------  Inquiries:  --------------------------------------------------  Online References for this episode: Here"s a selection of online references for each of the original events and stories related to the Bermuda Triangle & and a few bonus references: 1. Christopher Columbus"s 1492 Voyage:• Event: During his 1492 voyage, Columbus reported strange compass readings and sightings of mysterious lights in the area now known as the Bermuda Triangle.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia 2. E.V.W. Jones"s 1950 Article:• Event: In 1950, Associated Press reporter E.V.W. Jones wrote about unusual disappearances of ships and planes between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, bringing attention to the area.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia 3. George X. Sand"s 1952 Article:• Event: In 1952, George X. Sand published an article in Fate Magazine describing a "watery triangle" where vessels disappeared mysteriously.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia 4. Vincent Gaddis"s 1964 Argosy Article:• Event: In 1964, Vincent Gaddis coined the term "Bermuda Triangle" in his Argosy magazine article, linking various disappearances in the region.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia 5. M.K. Jessup"s UFO Theories:• Event: M.K. Jessup proposed that UFOs were responsible for some disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, suggesting extraterrestrial involvement.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia 6. Bruce Gernon"s 1970 Experience:• Event: In 1970, pilot Bruce Gernon reported flying through a tunnel-shaped cloud in the Bermuda Triangle, experiencing a phenomenon he described as a "time warp."• Reference: Bruce Gernon and the Time Vortex - Bermuda Triangle Central 7. Cary Gordon Trantham"s 1995 Experience:• Event: In 1995, pilot Cary Gordon Trantham encountered unexplained phenomena while flying over the Bermuda Triangle at night, including instrument malfunctions and a sense of being watched.• Reference: The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Delusion: A couple of quick notes:  1. Daily 'Just An Ounce of History' Daily Short's are found exclusively on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast. 2. Audio podcast episodes of 'An Ounce' (e.g. iTunes, Spotify... ) are audio only versions taken from the full video found on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast.

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