Mike Silver
Jeff Darlington
+ Charissa Thompson
Pass It Down
Ep. 38: Charissa Thompson & Jeff Darlington (Part 2: YOU HEARD ME)
11 Feb 2021
• 26 min
• EN
Beginning with Mike and Charissa’s origin story (featuring mimosas and a double entendre-drenched show pitch), and ending with Mike and Jeff’s (featuring the Crown Jewels and a saucy Soho club), Natalie is bombarded with a fast and furious barrage of true confessions. We learn about Jeff’s ill-fated fraternity Hall of Fame acceptance speech, the woman who wanted to throw down with Charissa in a Miami Beach bar, the actress who scolded her during a red-carpet interview for Extra… actually, this whole episode is extra. You heard me.
From "Pass It Down"
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