130 How to Lead with Greater Curiosity and Creativity with Stanford D-School’s Sarah Stein Greenberg | Partnering Leadership Global Thought Leader
In this episode of Partnering Leadership, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with Sarah Stein Greenberg, executive director of Stanford D.school. Sarah leads a community of designers, faculty, and other innovative thinkers who help people uncover their creative potential and apply them to the world. She is also the author of Creative Acts for Curious People. In the conversation, Sarah Stein Greenberg shares ideas from the book and exercises that can bring out the creativity in any individual or team. Sarah also shares how design can help while leading through uncertainty. Some highlights: - Leading with creativity in a world of uncertainty - Navigating ambiguity: A whole new area of skill development - Bridging creativity with curiosity - The what, why, and how of Parallel Prototyping - How leaders can become more aware of the world around them - Forging connections with team members to nurture curiosity and creativity - How to be more empathetic by understanding the different forms of empathy - The role design can play in ensuring equity Also mentioned in this episode: Creative Acts for Curious People: How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways by Sarah Stein Greenberg -Peter Senge, author of “The Fifth Discipline” -Carissa Carter, director of teaching and learning at Stanford D School -Leah Siebert, designer -Chanel Miller, illustrator -Michael Barry & Michelle JIA -Omayeli Arenyeka, Senior Software Engineer, wrote about the creative savior complex -Juliet Funt, CEO of White Space at Work, author of “A minute to think” -Malia Rothchild Kita, researcher -Michael “Mike” Hirshon, Illustrator, Web Designer - Azeem Azhar, author of The Exponential Age (Listen to Azeem’s episode on Partnering Leadership here) Connect with Sarah Stein Greenberg: Sarah Stein Greenberg on LinkedIn Sarah Stein Greenberg on Instagram Stanford D School Official Website D School Books Connect with Mahan Tavakoli: https://mahantavakoli.com/ More information and resources available at the Partnering Leadership Podcast website: https://www.partneringleadership.com/ Connect with Mahan Tavakoli: Mahan Tavakoli Website Mahan Tavakoli on LinkedIn Partnering Leadership Website
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