On today's episode of The Lives of Writers, Mike Nagel interviews Parker Young. Parker Young is the author of the the short story collection Cheap Therapist Says You're Insane (Future Tense Books) . His stories have appeared in X-R-A-Y, HAD, Juked, and elsewhere. A story from Parker's collection, "On the Toilet," was originally published in Autofocus. Mike Nagel is the author of Duplex (Autofocus Books, 2022). He lives in Plano, Texas. He also wrote the music for this podcast. ____________ PART ONE, topics include: -- living in the same building as family -- maintaining relationships as an adult -- writing spaces and getting into a creative state -- the stoics and blaming -- favorite childhood books -- being inspired by unexplainable writing ____________ PART TWO, topics include: -- not being into screenwriting -- tension rather than plot -- Parker's story collection CHEAP THERAPIST SAYS YOU'RE INSANE -- getting a story started and variations in getting it done -- writing and revising and collecting stories over a long period of time -- sequencing a book that can be sequenced many ways ____________ PART THREE, topics include: --last minute changes to the book -- working with small presses in general and Future Tense in particular -- putting out a first book -- what to do after a first book -- Thomas Bernhard ____________ Podcast theme music provided by Mike Nagel, author of Duplex. Here's more of his project: Yeah Yeah Cool Cool. The Lives of Writers is edited and produced by Michael Wheaton. Episode and show artwork by Amy Wheaton.
From "The Lives of Writers"
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