Pamela Meyer: Staying Innovative in the Game of Life

08 May 2024 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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Dr. Pamela Meyer is a prolific author, international consultant and keynote speaker, and college teacher whose areas of focus are leadership agility, organizational change, and adult learning.  In her most recent book, Staying in the Game: Leading and Learning with Agility for a Dynamic Future, Pamela draws on her experiences as an amateur, gold medalist ski racer and on extensive interviews with older ski racers who keep coming back. Staying in the game is an apt metaphor for women who strive to remain innovative in their later decades. Pamela identifies play, purpose, passion, and pleasure as key elements of innovative living. And she discusses four interconnected dynamics of staying in the game that are applicable to professional and personal contexts and that are particularly relevant to women as we age: meaningful identity; community; learning; and commitment.  Connect with Pamela Contact Page: LinkedIn: Website: Selected Books by Pamela Staying in the Game: Leading and Learning with Agility for a Dynamic Future. The Agility Shift: Creating Agile and Effective Leaders, Teams, and Organizations

From "Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined"

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