Josh Knutti & Heather Parady , OverComing You


14 Sep 2020 • 37 min • EN
37 min
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Heather Parady is the host of the podcast titled "Unconventional Leaders". She has OverCome so much in her own life but also has interviewed some of the most influential leaders in the world. Heather is a beautiful mix of brains, beauty, quirky, & unconventional and she has taught me so much just by listening to her podcast and even more during this episode. We talk about how to OverCome the imposter syndrome, how to not care what others think or say and so so much more. If you have not listened to her podcast make sure you listen to one of her short 10 min Fidget Friday episodes they are guaranteed to brighten your day. enter code "OCY" at checkout and save 10% on the ENTIRE order Save up to 10% on your next order  Save $50 on your registration INSTANTLY enter code "OCY" at checkout!!! Support this podcast at —

From "OverComing You"

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