Nick Chasm, Red Herrings, and Letters That Started It All: Michael Pickard on Writing Mysteries and Storytelling | Audio Signals Podcast With Marco Ciappelli
Guest: Michael Pickard, Author On LinkedIn | https://linkedin.com/in/mipickard On Twitter | https://x.com/gerfnitauthor On Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/gerfnitauthor/ _____________________________ Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast & Audio Signals Podcast On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli _____________________________ This Episode’s Sponsors Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel? 👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/sponsor-the-itspmagazine-podcast-network _____________________________ Episode Introduction Michael's journey into writing began when he started crafting thoughtful letters filled with life lessons and engaging narratives for his daughter. What began as a personal gesture evolved into published works, laying the foundation for a unique voice in storytelling. Balancing Logic and Creativity Michael’s background in software development gives him a fascinating ability to blend analytical thinking with creativity. It’s this duality that fuels his intricate detective novels, weaving complex plots, red herrings, and twists that keep readers hooked. Transitioning Genres: From Sci-Fi to Mystery We explored Michael’s shift from writing sci-fi to focusing on the mystery and detective genre. He shared how his characters take on lives of their own, sometimes guiding the story in directions he didn’t initially anticipate. It’s this organic growth that gives his novels depth and authenticity. Meet Nick Chasm: A Detective with Heart A centerpiece of our conversation was Michael’s detective series featuring Nick Chasm. This isn’t your typical mystery series—it’s character-driven, with Nick’s personal life intricately tied to his cases. For Michael, storytelling is about more than solving mysteries; it’s about making readers reflect on life, choices, and consequences. The Role of Storytelling in a Modern World In an age dominated by technology, Michael and I discussed the enduring importance of storytelling in connecting us to our humanity. Through his narratives, Michael crafts bridges between readers and the complex emotions and dilemmas of his characters. Looking Toward the Future We wrapped up by discussing how technology, including tools like generative AI, might shape the future of storytelling. With Michael’s background in software, his perspective on this intersection of creativity and tech is sure to be insightful. This conversation was a true delight, offering a glimpse into the art of crafting stories that entertain, provoke thought, and resonate on a deeper level. _____________________________ Resources Explore Michael's books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Pickard/author/B000APFNIO?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true _____________________________ For more podcast stories from Audio Signals: https://www.itspmagazine.com/audio-signals Watch the video version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllQvnJ8eHUlVX8AuyhehtexA Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel? 👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/sponsor-the-itspmagazine-podcast-network
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