13 min
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In this week"s episode, I discuss emotions and their impact on our personal and business lives. I explore the power of past experiences and our subconscious mind in shaping our decisions and actions.  This episode provides insights into recognizing, processing, and transforming these emotions for personal growth and business success. Key Topics this week:  💫 The impact of emotions on business and personal decisions. 💫 The influence of past experiences on current emotional states. 💫  Strategies for acknowledging and processing emotions. 💫  The role of professional support in emotional processing. 💫  Real-life applications and the benefits of emotional awareness in business scenarios. IF YOU ARE READY TO CREATE AN ALIGNED VISION BOARD: https://kavita-s-site.thinkific.com/courses/aligned-vision-board Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now. Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients" Follow me on Social Media for more tips: IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kavita-melwani-coach/

From "The Soulful Entrepreneur's Club | How to run a Purposeful, Profitable, Aligned Business without Stress"

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