Andrew Stotz & Tron Jordheim , My Worst Investment Ever Podcast

Tron Jordheim – The Difference between a Dog Trainer and Dog Training Business

17 Apr 2019 • 18 min • EN
18 min
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Tron Jordheim is a business guy, podcast writer, and speaker who spends a lot of time operating RHW Capital. Tron is one of those entrepreneurs who is always making something out of nothing. He started his first business in the sixth grade with a roll of paper towels and a can of window cleaner. He has been at it ever since. He took his boyhood interest in protection-dog training and created a whole new business model that put him through college. Tron was one of the people who helped the New York City Police Department start its K-9 <span class= "NormalTextRun SCXW135735332...

From "My Worst Investment Ever Podcast"

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