Karen Egoff has vitality in life! Karen’s motivation to become a successful Alternative Health Care Mentor started because of personal issues. She wanted the BEST solutions for her issues and passionately dove into finding the BEST natural treatments possible. She’s licensed in many Alternative Health Options: Reiki, yoga, bowen therapy, cranial- sacral therapy , meditation, wellness. She teaches class, hosts retreats and contributes to corporate events with her Wellness Tips and Insight. Karen ignites and empowers your inner radiance, with joy! She’s from Cambridge, Ontario working Virtual or in person, like most of us. In fact, she's known as a Vitality Mentor! As Karen more about her retreats all over North America; there’s something for everyone. Thought for a Positive Start each day: Attitude and gratitude. Contact Karen Egoff: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-egoff-vitalitymentor/ Kathryn Wilking: Author, Decorator, Feng Shui Expert , Podcast Host Website : https://www.kathrynwilking.com Email: kathryn@kathrynwilking.com Linked In: Kathryn Wilking YOU TUBE: @KathrynWilking Podcast: Feng Shui Your Day BOOKS: https://practicalfengshuifortheoffice.com The Feng Shui Advantage by Kathryn Wilking Practical Feng Shui for the Office by Kathryn Wilking FREE GIFT : ’10 Ways to Raise Chi-Energy in any Space’ www.kathrynwilking.com/resources TAKE THE PEP QUIZ: (Personal Element Profile) https://www.kathrynwilking.com/resources/pepquiz/ Let’s Get Your Space Working for you!
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