Max Blumenthal + Ben Norton & Kevin Gosztola , Moderate Rebels

Behind the dystopian show trial of Julian Assange, an assault on journalism - with Kevin Gosztola

13 Sep 2020 • 89 min • EN
89 min
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Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak about the dystopian show trial going on against political prisoner Julian Assange with journalist Kevin Gosztola, who is covering the UK court hearings to potentially extradite the WikiLeaks publisher to the US. We discuss the major threat this case poses to the freedom of the press -- yet how it is being criminally under-reported and whitewashed in the corporate media. LINKS: Read Kevin's reporting at Follow Kevin on Twitter at Max's report "'The American friends': New court files expose Sheldon Adelson’s security team in US spy operation against Julian Assange": Max's report "Exclusive images from inside British court expose Assange’s un-democratic treatment, physical deterioration": (Episode recorded on September 11, 2020)

From "Moderate Rebels"

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