Mister Productivity

30 Jan 2025 • 23 min • EN
23 min
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Today we welcome our Guest Mark Struczewski (pronounced STRU-CHESS-KEY),  AKA as Mister Productivity. As a productivity coach since 2011, He empowers executives and entrepreneurs to conquer the chaos of their daily grind.  Mark is a podcast host with over 1,000 episodes and brings boundless energy to helping professionals conquer overwhelm.  The tips and advice given throughout the years from Coach Mark could help you work full time, have a side hustle, write a chapter for a best-selling book, and become a national speaker… without giving up sleep!  Coach Mark always aims to deliver the most valuable information to his readers because his ultimate goal is to help others break free from the busyness that most people mistake for productivity, allowing you to get more done. He guides you through a proven strategy and doesn’t ask you to do anything he hasn’t done himself. WOW! Just imagine a productive day that runs smoothly; priceless!    To sign up for The Productive Life free email newsletter and more information:  CLICK HERE:  https://misterproductivity.com/   Kathryn Wilking: Author, Decorator, Feng Shui Expert , Podcast Host Website : https://www.kathrynwilking.com Email: kathryn@kathrynwilking.com  Linked In: Kathryn Wilking YOU TUBE: @KathrynWilking Podcast: Feng Shui Your Day BOOKS: https://practicalfengshuifortheoffice.com  The Feng Shui Advantage by Kathryn Wilking Practical Feng Shui for the Office by Kathryn Wilking FREE GIFT : ’10 Ways to Raise Chi-Energy in any Space’ www.kathrynwilking.com/resources  TAKE THE PEP QUIZ: (Personal Element Profile) https://www.kathrynwilking.com/resources/pepquiz/   Let’s Get Your Space Working for you! 

From "Feng Shui Your Day"

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