Dr Eli Joseph: How To Write The Perfect Rejection Resume
“Is there a bright side to failure and rejection? Is pride the devil and shame the angel?” In this episode, Dr Eli Joseph shares the importance of writing our perfect rejection resume and sharing our success and failure stories. He enlightens us on why and how we can do something productive, set deadlines and win the competition against time. “Rent is due every day.” Connect with Dr Eli Joseph: Website: https://www.drelijoseph.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drelijoseph Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EliseeJoseph LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elijoseph Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrEliJoseph Clubhouse: https://clubhousedb.com/user/drelijoseph Thank you for joining me on this MIRROR TALK podcast journey. Kindly stay connected by subscribing or following on any platform. Please do not forget to leave a review and rating. Let us connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirrortalk.podcast/ More inspiring episodes and show notes here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/ Your opinions, thoughts, suggestions and comments matter to us. Share them here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/your-opinion-matters/ I love, see and appreciate you. We are soliciting your help to feed some less-privileged children for Christmas. No amount is too small. Payment options and further information are available on our website: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/feed-the-children/
From "Mirror Talk: Soulful Conversations"
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