A Tribute To A Great Man - Dave Woodward on ClickFunnels Radio
Justin joins Dave Woodwood on the Click Funnel Podcast Dave and Justin talk about Justin’s pivot into selling his CBD products online after Covid-19 caused him to rethink his retail strategy in March 2020. With the ClickFunnels software, Justin has found great success in using quiz/survey funnels to lead customers to the product that’s right for them. Listen close as Justin walks Dave through his “solution finder” funnel question by question and breaks down why it’s so effective! Produced by PodConx Click Funnel Radio - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/clickfunnels-radio/id1079993982?i=1000542317115 Justin Benton - https://podconx.com/guests/justin-benton Join Our #HealTheWorlders Messenger Tribe at https://bit.ly/TheMiraclePlant_Messenger Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis. Produced by PodConx 101cbd - https://101cbd.org/ Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org Get a free consultation - askjanet.org Kaneh Bosm Connection - https://youtube.com/@kanehbosmconnection
From "Roots To Riches"
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