Mike Bowers - From ISAM to JSON—Navigating 40+ Years of Database Evolution

11 Feb 2025 • 44 min • EN
44 min
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Mike Bowers, Chief Architect at FairCom, has spent decades navigating the evolution of database technology. In this conversation, he and Robby explore the challenges of maintaining a 40+ year-old codebase, balancing legacy constraints with forward-thinking design, and the realities of technical debt. Mike shares how FairCom transitioned from ISAM-based databases to modern JSON-driven APIs, the trade-offs between strict schemas and flexible document stores, and how software architecture plays a critical role in long-term maintainability. He also explains why human-readable JSON simplifies debugging, how documentation-driven development improves API usability, and why many software teams struggle with refactoring at the right time.Topics covered[00:05:32] The role of software architecture in long-term maintainability[00:10:45] Why FairCom's legacy ISAM technology still matters today[00:14:20] Transitioning to a JSON-based API for modern developers[00:19:40] The challenges of maintaining 40+ years of C code[00:24:10] Technical debt: What it really means and how to manage it[00:28:50] The trade-offs between strict schemas and flexible NoSQL approaches[00:34:00] When to refactor vs. when to start over from scratch[00:38:15] The influence of product management thinking on software architecture[00:42:30] Advice for engineers considering a shift into architecture rolesResources MentionedFairComMike Bowers on LinkedInFairCom on Twitter/XBook Recommendation: The Influential Product Manager by MSc BuceroThanks to Our Sponsor! Need a smoother way to share your team's inbox? Jelly’s got you covered! 🍇✨ Jelly is perfect for small teams — because it was built by a small team. If you struggle with keeping your team’s knowledge organized and accessible, check out Jelly, a lightweight knowledge management tool designed to make finding answers easy—without all the clutter of traditional wikis. No more sticky situations or knowledge gaps—Jelly keeps everything smooth, and shareable. Bonus for Maintainable listeners Get 20% off your first year at letsjelly.com/maintainable, Subscribe to Maintainable on:Apple PodcastsSpotify Or search "Maintainable" wherever you stream your podcasts. Keep up to date with the Maintainable Podcast by joining the newsletter.

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