MB:208 with Super Steve Flores Musing on Music, Meals, and Social Media

12 Jan 2024 • 119 min • EN
119 min
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Super Steve Flores is a K-Roq alumni, creator of the world famous Michelada Rumble, and Co-Host of The West Coast Poplock Podcast. https://micheladarumble.com/ https://www.instagram.com/supersteveflores/ https://www.instagram.com/micheladarumble/ https://www.instagram.com/westcoastpoplockpodcast/ Ever find yourself chuckling at the transformation of your once simple family dinners into tech-dominated feasts? Super Steve Flores and I sure do, and we"re unpacking the hilarity of adult life, from the evolution of napping and caffeine highs to K-Roq"s legendary influence on the music world. Glide through the cultural shift brought by social media, affecting everything from comedy to live experiences, and join us as we cruise down memory lane, examining the way our family tables—and the conversations around them—have changed with the times. As we crack open the chapters of our lives, we reveal how the pursuit of our passions, from bar brawls to Baja races, has been intertwined with personal growth. Fear has been both an obstacle and a catalyst in our stories—mine leading from declaring dreams in childhood to living them out at K-Roq. We also delve into the art of forging genuine bonds, the magic in remembering names, and the occasional dance with social awkwardness. It"s all part of the intricate social jungle we navigate daily, and we"re here to share the treasure map of connections that have enriched our journey. Wrap up the experience with us as we muse on the intricacies of artistic expression and the power of a well-told story, whether it"s through the skewed lens of a biopic or the imagined world of superpowers. With a light-hearted sprinkle, we reflect on the phenomena of binge-watching culture and the sentimental ties to our favorite TV series. Plus, don"t miss a peek into our own artistic endeavors and the creative aspirations that keep our souls buzzing. It"s not just a chat; it"s a heart-to-heart on how the stories we love, the dreams we chase, and the people we meet can define the very essence of our lives. Subscribe to The Mindbuzz Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIYj7eDCsV3YPzxv7VRKZKg    Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @themindbuzz https://www.instagram.com/themindbuzz/ to keep up with our hosts, guests, and upcoming events!  See you on the next one! "King without a Throne" is performed by Bad Hombres King without a Throne Official Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNhxTYU8kUs King without a Throne https://open.spotify.com/track/7tdoz0W9gr3ubetdW4ThZ8?si=9a95947f58bf416e

From "The Mindbuzz"

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