Welcome to a new episode of Business Lunch! In this episode, Roland Frasier and Ryan Deiss share insights on the challenges faced during the acquisition and management of the Traffic and Conversion Summit. They discuss the importance of understanding community dynamics versus content value, the pitfalls of corporate decision-making, and how these factors contributed to the event's struggles. Highlights: "If you're going to do acquisitions, you need to be really clear on exactly what it is that you're buying." "The hardest thing in the world to do is to create a place, but you can lose that way faster than it takes to build." "You cannot let bean counters make business decisions." "The consulting firm that advised them not to buy Digital Marketer gave some of the worst advice they probably ever paid for." Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction 01:54 - Community vs. Content 08:18 - Pre-Pandemic Sales Struggles 10:00 - Financial Implications of the Pandemic 12:35 - Lessons Learned from the Deal 15:30 - Importance of Community Involvement 17:00 - Consequences of Poor Marketing Decisions 20:15 - The Role of Digital Marketers 22:40 - Strategic Partnerships and Growth Opportunities 25:00 - Reflections on Corporate Culture 28:15 - The Future of Events Post-Pandemic 30:40 - Closing Thoughts on Acquisitions 37:22 - Episode Conclusion CONNECT • Ask Roland a question HERE. RESOURCES: • 7 Steps to Scalable workbook • Get my book, Zero Down, FREE To learn more about Roland Frasier 👉 https://msha.ke/rolandfrasier/ Connect with me on social: 🎵 TikTok: / rolandfrasier 📸 Instagram: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnhib1JxVnJVR1JjLVNYNG80U044aTdYQ0h6d3xBQ3Jtc0tsZ1J5amdwR1BHSEpCWDg2UWc4QllMb1M1R0ZoaWxEcnBVWGZIS0xWTkg5djdTYVRyc1liaW5lRFZteGF6MHRRSFVucVBzemExeG9qYTFoNnlpUW5QaXRoMV96cU1NV1EyOVoxN1I4bjc0X0NRMlB2bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Frolandfrasier%2F&v=UCr1x8ihAdo"...
From "Business Lunch"
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