The complete archive of Subversive episodes, including exclusive episodes and my writing, is available on Substack. For a bit less, you can also subscribe to the podcast sans writing on Patreon. This is how the show is financed and grows, so I appreciate every contribution! Please subscribe at: https://www.alexkaschuta.com/ https://www.patreon.com/aksubversive We chat about the legitimate criticisms of nuclear energy: non-issues, real problems that can be seen as positives, and genuine challenges that cannot be quickly resolved. We also discuss the public perception of nuclear energy, particularly the influence of memes and cultural narratives, and the complexities and challenges of building nuclear power plants, highlighting the potential benefits despite the hurdles. Mark Nelson is the founder of radiantenergygroup.com, an energy consultancy providing leaders with the data-driven insights and roadmaps they need to bring about a low-carbon, high-energy future. You can also find him on X.com at @energybants Chapters 00:00 Critiquing Nuclear Energy: A Balanced Perspective 11:26 The Meme of Nuclear Energy: Perception vs. Reality 27:39 Building Nuclear Power: Challenges and Opportunities 32:46 Financing Nuclear Energy Projects 34:11 The Viability of Nuclear Energy 35:36 Nuclear vs. Renewable Energy 39:09 Challenges of Solar Energy in Europe 39:59 Political Implications of Energy Policy 42:37 Hydro Energy and Its Role 44:39 Left-Wing Perspectives on Nuclear Energy 50:21 Cynicism in Anti-Nuclear Sentiments 54:05 Underrated Thinkers
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