If you want to be great at something, find someone who’s the best at it and learn from them.” -Todd Herman Full disclosure: I am a huge Todd Herman fan. I met Todd during one of the darkest times of my life, and my connection to him has had a substantial positive impact. This man owns real estate in my mind when it comes to mentorship, and for good reason. His digital book, The Definitive Guide on Finding & Becoming a Mentor is the most underrated piece of literature on the subject I have ever read. In this episode of Community Made, the two of us sit down to discuss the many myths of mentorship, Todd's framework for finding a great mentor, his personal playbook on how to be a great mentor, and the many benefits that can be found in mentoring other people... Reviewer of the Week: Christy Burch Select Links and References The Definitive Guide on Finding & Becoming a Mentor Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin Contagious by Jonah Berger Give and Take by Adam Grant Luxy Hair Coaching the Mental Game by Harvey Dorfman 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing How to Get a Meeting with Anyone The 90 Day Year
From "Community Made"
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