Chase Jarvis & Rand Fishkin , The Chase Jarvis LIVE Show

Make Better Decisions and 100 Other Reasons To Work Less | Rand Fishkin

24 Jan 2024 • 63 min • EN
63 min
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In this episode, Rand Fishkin shares his insights on entrepreneurship and strategic thinking. He discusses the impact of the hustle culture on success and emphasizes the importance of making the best decisions as an entrepreneur. Rand shares his experiences in the video game and marketing industries, highlighting the need for creators to think strategically and understand their target audience. He also introduces his ventures, SparkToro and Snackbar Studio, and provides resources such as his book "Lost and Founder" and the SparkToro blog for further exploration. Some highlights we explore: The impact of the hustle culture on success and decision-making Rand's experiences in the video game and marketing industries Strategies for thinking strategically and understanding the target audience The importance of finding fulfillment and happiness in both professional and personal pursuits Enjoy!

From "The Chase Jarvis LIVE Show"

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