2741 - Has Biden Actually Done Anything In BBB Negotiations? w/ Alex Pareene & Matthew Film Guy
It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Alex Pareene, contributing editor at the New Republic and proprietor of the AP newsletter on Substack to round up the week in news. They kick off the show with updates on the Kellogg’s unionization effort, Omicron, and Tucker Carlson’s prostate (not a metaphor for his mouth). Then, Alex joins as they cover the punting of the BBB into the business of the next Democratic administration, be it next term or next decade, the admin blaming the 50/50 Senate, and the absurd incompetence both in blowing this opportunity, and not even realizing the massive impact in the midterms and moving forwards that this will likely have. This brings them to the state of democratic leadership, Congress’ realization that they can actually just let good things expire instead of killing them, and Larry Kudlow comparing Joe Manchin to Elon Musk due to their ingenuity, rather than the ability to stifle and misdirect innovation. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Matthew Film Guy to walk through what's on his plate, what he’s been watching, and what editors actually do. Sam gets lost in the film technology of the 80s, they discuss Matthew’s upcoming project, and dive into getting personal with the Beatles with “Get Back.” And in the Fun Half: Tim Pool once again makes the mistake of debating someone who cares and knows what they’re talking about, Brandon stops by to bring some boxes of sweets and his winning attitude, and Sam relives his glory days as they watch his early aughts takedown of Bob Knight over the war on Christmas, reminding him that the world really hasn’t changed that much. DeSantis announces his “Stop Woke Act,” as he continues his metamorphosis into Dollar Store Trump, Marc Lamont Hill stumps Christian Walker by asking for examples, and Tucker Carlson discusses Anarcho-Tyranny with King of the working class, Kyle Rittenhouse, plus, your IMs! Purchase tickets for the live show in Boston on January 16th HERE! https://thewilbur.com/artist/majority-report/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: https://forms.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ MySolarNerd.com: There are a lot of homeowners that aren't aware of the solar options currently available. It is now possible to retrofit a home with solar panels for no money down. Most homeowners that switch over to solar see significant savings starting in their first year. This is possible thanks to the Solar Investor Tax Credit (going away soon). My Solar Nerd’s mission is SIMPLE: Help you find the best solar program for your home and make the transition as EASY and SMOOTH as possible. Go to mysolarnerd.com and fill out the inquiry form now. Make sure you select Majority Report Listener for how you heard about My Solar Nerd to receive a $200 gift card upon installation! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt's other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Subscribe to Brandon's show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Ted Leo's new song with Jeppesen Airplane "Into The Conquering Sun here! All download purchases go towards Jane's Due Process and the Frontera Fund! Read Alex's piece "Losing A Street Fight To Elon Musk" here.
From "The Majority Report with Sam Seder"
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