Kay Cote - Overcoming Bullying

02 Feb 2023 • 61 min • EN
61 min
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When Kay was a young child up until the age of five, she was full of life and had all the love in the world to give. She had no fear and enjoyed trying new things and experiences. Life was good, nothing held her back, until the day she walked in the doors of elementary school. Naturally friendly, she was excited to make new friends. Almost immediately, she was met with opposition. She endured being bullied and put down for being different. As a five year old, she couldn’t wrap her brain around why she struggled to fit in. She felt isolated and alone. As she was pressured to confine to standards, her positive energy became anger and rebellion. Her joy faded away as she turned to food to self soothe, only amplifying her experience. She talks about what she has done in recent years to change her mindset and get back the kind of happy life she experienced when she was five. Her website:  https://www.kaycote.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

From "LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy"

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