Living a Joyful Life of Purpose and Meaning; with Ian Westmoreland
In this episode I met with a person who has spent his adult life actively pursuing his purpose. He’s an entrepreneur, grandfather, mentor and much more. Our conversation brought out some of his greatest challenges and lessons so far, and highlighted the gifts along the way. He is a person who demonstrates how to live on purpose each and every day. I present to you, Ian Westmoreland. Here’s a summary of what we discussed: 05:00 - the beginning of the journey 09:02 - the pull for more meaning in his work 09:30 - the MAGIC moment of clarity 20:26 - the motivation behind the first entrepreneurial venture 22:15 - we all have a purpose 30:02 - the village connection and much more… Here’s some information about our guest: Ian Westmoreland, Founder of Mentoring Men and Kintsugi Heroes On 10 September 2013 I experienced a life changing moment that led to a decision to retire from paid work in May 2014 and commence a volunteer mentoring career. I initially volunteered with the Raise Foundation, Kidshope and COACH mentoring programs and then in 2018 after experiencing a life challenge I searched for an organisation that provided free long-term one to one “life” mentoring to Australian men. I was surprised and disappointed to find that no suitable program existed especially for a demographic that historically struggles with vulnerability and who would benefit from having someone support them in their life journey. In response I commenced development of the Mentoring Men program in June 2018 and the program was officially launched by Julian Leeser, Federal Member for Berowra in November 2018. I am currently establishing Kintsugi Heroes with a purpose of “uncovering our hidden value” and it will provide uplifting and inspirational content to people who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing significant life challenges. The podcast launch will be late 2022 and the first Kindle and printed book are expected to be published in Q1 2023. Something Interesting About You I used to import squash & tennis rackets I ran a milk bar I have 12 grandkids I won a gold medal playing tennis in the World Masters Games I broke my collarbone twice What Are You Famous For? I was on the front page of the Australian Newspaper in the 1960s for pretending to play a didgeridoo in the Dandenong Town Hall I was interviewed live on Sky News a couple of years ago - https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/mentoring-men-organisation-aims-to-help-australian-men-with-mental-health-issues/video/f364084f0dc40de127ac9bfa5baceacb Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ian-westmoreland-mentor-menshealth/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005089007984 Check out our previous episode here. The purpose of the Mission Activated podcast is to inspire people with the stories of people who are activated on their mission, and are living a life of purpose, passion and alignment. Being in business is not just about money: it"s about bringing our genius and our gifts to the world to impact others. If you"d like to get in touch please contact us at contact@6starleaders.com
From "Mission Activated"
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