Paris Prynkiewicz & Jay Shifman , Live Well Bipolar ™

26: Ending the Stigma Associated with Mental Illness

14 Aug 2020 • 44 min • EN
44 min
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In episode 26, Jay Shifman joins me to discuss what stigma is, what it means and how to overcome it. Jay is a Mental Health and Substance Misuse & Recovery Speaker, Coach, and Advocate, and the host of the "Choose Your Struggle" podcast. He is ten years in recovery and survived multiple suicide attempts and an overdose. As a result of these experiences he made it his mission to fight to end stigma by telling his recovery story and advocating for opportunities for others to do the same.  This episode features tips on how Jay overcame stigma and advice for those struggling to overcome stigma associated with mental illness or addiction. 

From "Live Well Bipolar ™"

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