Season 5, Episode 12. Today we’ll learn how Queen Elizabeth I strategically defeated the Invincible Spanish Armada by allowing famous pirates like Sir Francis Drake and Sir Thomas Cavendish to take over the Royal Navy and fight on her behalf as “privateers.” We’ll also learn what life was like on a pirate ship in the Elizabethan age, why women were historically not allowed to be pirates, and how some women became pirates anyway. We’ll meet Anne Bonny and Mary Read, the cross dressing swashbucklers of the Bahamas, and we’ll meet Grace O’Malley, the Irish Pirate Queen who defended her land against Queen Elizabeth’s navy. My second novel, FYREBIRDS, just came out, and it would mean a huge amount if you’d pick up a copy. If you'd like a recap of NIGHTBIRDS before the sequel arrives, go and listen to my four-part recap series over on Pub Dates. This episodes is coming to you with the support of my fabulous patrons. Have you ever thought about becoming one? Patrons get all episodes early and ad-free, voting rights on content, behind the scenes stuff, AND up to two exclusive bonus episodes a month, like this one. You can now try out being a patron with a 7-day free trial! Go to my website to find out more.
From "The Exploress"
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