The Tall Poppy Syndrome: The Joy of Cutting Others Down by Douglas Garland M.D.
Happy Hump-Day Friends! I'm back!! I have been sick for the past 4 days. I fell off my release schedule. It was a rough couple days with my Hunny. My next guest is incredibly intelligent. It is probably one of the most intelligent conversations I've ever had. I believe we covered a subject that not many people want to acknowledge. Please welcome PREMIERE guest Doug Garland . Douglas Garland, M.D. practiced orthopedic surgery for 37 years in Southern California. Dr. Garland was a Clinical Professor of Orthopedics at the University of Southern California where he authored over 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles. With over 600 citations, The Tall Poppy Syndrome is the most comprehensive book on the subject. To follow or connect with Doug, please head to the links below: https://douggarland.com/ https://twitter.com/tallpoppybook https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglas-garland-md-b8880197/ Support for Label Free Podcast is brought to you by MANSCAPED™, who is the best in men’s below-the-waist grooming. @MANSCAPED offers precision-engineered tools for your family jewels. They obsess over their technology developments to provide you the best tools for your grooming experience. MANSCAPED is trusted by over 2 million men worldwide! We have an exclusive offer for my listeners - 20% off + free shipping with the code: LabelFree20 https://www.manscaped.com As always thank you for the support, to contact me directly follow the link below: https://www.labelfreepodcast.com Stay Healthy, Stay Ready- Deanna Marie Kuempel #ad #sponsor
From "Label Free: "To live your best life, live label free.""
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