Moving Across Four Continents with a Mom CEO
Good morning, everyone. Today I want to talk to you about being curious and resilient. We all have our own struggles and it's important to remember that we can always find ways to come out of them stronger. One great example of this is our next guest; Julianne Bosch, a mom CEO, life and career coach, and author who has moved her family 13 times across four continents. She wrote a book called How a Mother Took Her First Step on the Moon, a mother's keepsake journal of advice to my children. When Julianne was turning 50, she was dreading it. Her cousin was diagnosed with a 1% survival rate of anaplastic thyroid cancer and it made Julianne realize that if she was no longer here, how would she give gifts to people instead of receiving gifts for her 50th birthday. This inspired her to write the book and on her 50th birthday, she sent it to her three children as a gift. Julianne wrote in the book to not give advice, but to tell her children what she did and not say, "do this, this is the rule book." She wanted them to take what they needed and adapt it to what they wanted and then use it. She also asked them powerful questions like, what is your integrity? This is so important in today's chaotic world with war and pandemic and shootings happening. We need to keep that curiosity and learning going. Julianne also learned from her children. They told her that their story of a situation was different than what she wrote in the book and she told them to rewrite it and to tell her what they thought so that they could have a conversation. Julianne's children have a resilience that she didn't have in her 20s. They have the three E's: educated, employed, and elsewhere. Their elsewheres humble her and show her that they are doing things in their 20s that she didn't do. It's important to be curious and resilient in life. We can learn from others and we can also learn from our own children. Julianne's story is a great example of this and I hope it has inspired you to be curious and resilient in life. To learn more, head to the Lin below: https://juliannebosch.com Todays episode is brought to you by, @BrianTracyOfficial, world-class speaker, author, and leader dedicated to transforming the lives of millions. To access his FREE e-book; The 6-Figure Speaker The Ultimate Blueprint To Build A Business As A Highly-Paid Professional Speaker, click the link ⬇️ https://www.briantracy.com/success/6-... As always thank you for the support, to contact me directly follow the link below: https://www.labelfreepodcast.com Stay Healthy, Stay Ready- Deanna Marie Radulescu #ad #sponsor #podcastguest #labelfreepodcast #onairpersonality #nationallysyndicated #sponsor
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