KunstlerCast_393 -- Chatting with Jacob Dreizen about the Ukraine Situation

31 Jan 2024 • 51 min • EN
51 min
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Jacob Dreizin runs the dreizin report.com, a recently-paywalled, "boutique blog for discriminating shoppers of highly objective alt-news and forecasting."  An immigrant and army veteran, Jacob has worked in the DC political sphere in high-level BS/spin production; has several graduate degrees, speaks fluent Russian; and likes to say he’s the USA's leading (or only) independent expert on the "history and culture of the Ukraine conflict."  Jacob also specializes in explaining the influence of economic and ideological interest groups on U.S. politics and policy, and the processes and practices of the U.S. state propaganda apparatus as it relates to foreign policy and military adventures.   

From "KunstlerCast - Conversations: Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century"

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